Boosting Your Energy, Non-Striving, and Being Sustainably Fed

As I get older, I have started to realize the importance of taking afternoon naps. While it may seem like I am constantly tired, there are times when a meeting can completely change my energy levels. I have experienced moments where I have woken up from a nap and had a meeting with a client, only to walk away feeling more energized than if I had spent the entire two hours sleeping.

Energy Boosting

The reason for this is because that particular client allowed me to utilize my giftedness. Their receptivity, responsiveness, and reciprocity were key factors in boosting my energy levels.

Receptivity. Clients come to me in search of answers, and as a coach, my practice revolves around providing solutions. When clients are open and receptive to the knowledge and expertise I have to offer, it creates a sense of synergy. I feel invigorated by the opportunity to provide answers to their questions and help them find the clarity they are seeking. Their openness and willingness to engage with me and my ideas fuels my energy and passion for what I do.

Responsiveness is another significant factor in why certain meetings leave me feeling refreshed and energized. When clients respond positively to my affirmations and insights, it serves as a form of validation. Their acknowledgement and appreciation for the value I bring to the table not only boosts my confidence but also encourages me to continue doing the work I do. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where both parties gain something from the interaction. Their responsiveness acts as a catalyst, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and motivation within me.

Reciprocity is the cornerstone of any meaningful and fulfilling interaction. When there is a sense of reciprocity in a meeting, it creates a dynamic where both parties are actively contributing and benefiting from the conversation. It fosters a sense of connection, understanding, and collaboration. The give and take of ideas, feedback, and support create a positive feedback loop that fuels my energy levels. Knowing that I am not alone in this journey and that my clients are just as invested in their growth and development as I am in supporting them is truly rejuvenating.

Surrounding yourself with individuals who appreciate and value your skills and contributions can make a world of difference in your overall well-being and the satisfaction you derive from your work. So, it is crucial to seek out those who feed your energy, ignite your passion, and support your growth.


Striving exhaustion is a state of weariness that often occurs when we are constantly pushing ourselves to achieve more and do better. It is a result of the relentless pursuit of goals without taking the time to rest and recharge. However, there are ways to cultivate a life that is driven by passion and purpose without succumbing to this type of exhaustion.

One way to avoid striving-exhaustion is by focusing on creating solutions to problems that you are genuinely passionate about. When you are working on something that truly matters to you, it becomes easier to find the motivation and energy to keep going. Instead of chasing after success for the sake of achieving a specific outcome, strive to make a positive impact and contribute to something that aligns with your values. This sense of purpose can help sustain your energy and prevent burnout.

Another important aspect is to connect with your appreciation for the results of your efforts. Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Celebrating milestones and recognizing progress not only boosts your confidence but also provides a sense of fulfillment and motivation to continue. By cultivating gratitude for what you have achieved, you create a positive mindset that fosters a healthier approach to success.


In addition to creating solutions and appreciating the results, it is crucial to invite abundance into your life. Often, we associate success with scarcity and the need to constantly strive for more. However, by shifting our perspective and embracing the abundance that comes when problem meets solution, we can create a more balanced and sustainable approach. Instead of constantly chasing after more, focus on attracting opportunities and resources that naturally flow towards you when you are aligned with your purpose and passion.

Shift from a mindset of right versus wrong to sustainable versus unsustainable by confirming your priorities and vision. Rather than solely striving for external validation or societal expectations, consider what truly sustains you in the long run. This may involve reassessing your definition of success and aligning it with your values and well-being. By seeking out activities and pursuits that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a renewed sense of energy, you can create a path that is both sustainable and encouraging.

To move from striving exhaustion to non-striving, it is important to seek productive and renewing energy. This means being mindful of how you invest your time and energy by engaging in activities that recharge and invigorate you. This could involve practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and prioritizing rest and relaxation. By incorporating activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation into your daily routine, you can maintain a healthier balance and prevent burnout.

By creating solutions to problems that align with our passions, appreciating the results of our efforts, inviting abundance, and seeking sustainable energy, we can cultivate a life that is driven by purpose and fulfillment. It is through this intentional and mindful approach that we can find a balance that sustains us and allows us to thrive through non-striving.