Marketing through the Case Episode Process at MAWMedia Group, LLC

MAWMedia Group, LLC is a leading consulting firm that offers comprehensive support for content development, marketing, and advertising. The firm's expertise lies in producing engaging and impactful content that resonates with target audiences and drives business growth. One of the key processes used by MAWMedia Group to create viral advertising structures for its clients is the Case Episode process. The process can be implemented to create an infinite amount of cases for digital distribution. It is an innovation for book marketing and course distribution.

Content Development First

The Case Episode process begins with the content development process. That process starts with an outline, which serves as the foundation for the course content. The course content is then developed as an expansion of the outline, providing detailed information and insights into the subject matter. Once the course content is developed, a book is created to explain the content further and add case studies to illustrate the applications of the concepts.

The next step in the content development process is the creation of the workbook. The workbook adds worksheets to the book, enabling users to apply the concepts covered in the content to their own situations. This iterative process enables clients to refine their understanding of the content and develop the skills necessary to apply it effectively in their work and personal lives.

Put Content into a VASE

The Viral Ad Structure Exercise is the next step in the process. The innovation here is to conceptualize the content as a foundation for advertising. Rather than building a campaign around a concept or brand identity, this approach educates while it captivates with the story. It both delivers information and engages the viewer in the content leading to more clicks and more purchases. It's the perfect start of a conversion funnel.

The VASE exercise creates Case Episodes based on the model presented in the content. These Case Episodes are designed to create an emotional connection with the audience, making the content more relatable and memorable. This process enables the audience to apply the concept covered in the Case Episode to their own situations, transforming the content into a practical and actionable tool. The Case Episodes comprise three key components: Case, Explanation, and Application.

The Case component of the Case Episode provides a real-life example of the concept covered in the content. It includes details about who is involved and what happened, providing a personalized and emotional perspective on the application of the concept. This personal connection creates empathy and engagement, making the content more impactful and memorable.

The Explanation component of the Case Episode follows the SOA of the SOAIEP method (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Intervention, Evaluation, Planning). This method provides a structured approach to explaining the concept covered in the Case Episode. It starts with the subjective experience of the person involved in the Case, providing context and emotional resonance. The objective component follows, providing factual information about the situation. The assessment component then analyses the situation and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities presented.

The Application component of the Case Episode is the IEP of the SOAIEP method. This component breaks down the intervention component of the Explanation into a step-by-step process that can be easily replicated by the audience. The intervention component suggests strategies and approaches to address the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities. The evaluation component then assesses the effectiveness of the approach taken, providing feedback on what worked and what didn't. Finally, the planning component provides a roadmap for applying the approach to similar situations in the future.


Case Episodes provide a powerful and effective approach to creating viral advertising structures for content produced by clients. The renewable process provides a structured, emotional, and practical approach to presenting concepts and driving engagement and action. This innovation enables MAWMedia Group, LLC to produce impactful and memorable content that drives business growth and personal development.