Writing: Page Count Considerations


Many authors focus on page counts to describe what they want their books to be. Page counts are not the main determinant of success or value. Page count considerations are useful to gauge what a typical reader can consume and comprehend comfortably and what makes a substantive book to hold on print (in your hands). A better rule of thumb covering this includes genre, purpose, and audience. The short answer is a self-help book is minimum 20,000 words. A professional book is 40,000 words.

Outline Primacy

Creating an outline is a crucial step in determining the appropriate page count for a book. By breaking the content down into chapters and sections, an author can get a sense of how many words they need to effectively convey their message. A solid chapter is typically between 1500-2000 words, which translates to approximately six printed pages.

A typical book is usually composed of 10-12 chapters. By focusing on the outline first, an author can get a clearer understanding of the structure of their book and how much content they need to create to get their point across. This method also allows for easier revisions and changes as the writing process progresses. Therefore, outline primacy should be a priority when determining the appropriate page count for a book.


When considering page count, it's important for authors to focus on presenting their content effectively, regardless of the genre. Rather than fixating on a specific page count, authors should concentrate on delivering their message in a clear and engaging manner.

As you write your book, you may find that additional elements like anecdotes, examples, worksheets, or graphics can enhance the reader's understanding and engagement. These elements can be added in later stages to create workbooks, courses, or other business models based on your original book. This allows your content to expand and provides opportunities to reach your audience through different mediums.

The key is to prioritize the quality of your content over the page count. Your goal should be to provide valuable and insightful information to your readers, regardless of the number of pages it takes. By focusing on presenting your content effectively and ensuring its value, you can create a meaningful book that resonates with your audience. Don't worry about hitting a specific page count initially; instead, allow your content to evolve and adapt through different packaging options.


The purpose of your book plays a significant role in determining the appropriate page count. Depending on whether your book aims to help people work through a process or tell a story, the length should align with fulfilling that purpose effectively.

If the purpose of your book is to guide readers through a process, it needs to be long enough to cover all the necessary steps and provide comprehensive guidance. This ensures that readers can complete the process successfully with the information provided. In this case, it may be appropriate to have more chapters to adequately address each aspect of the process. A typical range for process-oriented books is around 14, 16, or 18 chapters, allowing ample space to delve into each step.

On the other hand, if your purpose is to tell a story, your book should be long enough to deliver a complete and satisfying narrative. This includes establishing characters, developing plotlines, and resolving conflicts. For storytelling books, a range of 8, 10, or 12 chapters is often common, providing enough space to explore the story arc and engage readers in the narrative.

Remember, the purpose of your book should guide its length. Determine the task or message you want to accomplish and then set out to complete it. Tailor the number of chapters based on whether you're working through a process or telling a story. By aligning the page count with the purpose of your book, you can ensure that it fulfills its intended goals and resonates with your readers.


Understanding your audience is essential when determining the appropriate page count for your book. Your audience can be categorized based on various socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, sexual orientation, job type, education, or ethnicity. Additionally, considering their psychographic characteristics such as needs, hopes, concerns, and aspirations is crucial.

Different audiences will have varying interests and preferences when it comes to the books they choose to read. The more closely your material aligns with their characteristics and interests, the more likely they are to be engaged and willing to read your book. This includes not only the content itself but also the length and structure of your book.

Consider the expectations and preferences of your target audience. For example, if you are writing for a specialized audience in a particular field, they may expect more in-depth content and a higher page count to cover complex topics thoroughly. On the other hand, if your audience consists of busy professionals seeking concise and actionable information, a shorter book with clear and concise chapters may be more suitable.

Understanding your audience's needs and interests allows you to strike a balance between providing enough depth and ensuring readability. By catering to your audience's characteristics and aligning your material with their interests, you increase their willingness to engage with your book and allow you to effectively convey your message, including necessary backstory and theoretical foundation.

Remember, your audience plays a crucial role in determining the appropriate page count. Tailor the length and structure of your book to match their characteristics and interests, striking a balance between providing comprehensive information and maintaining their engagement. By doing so, you can create a book that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to read and absorb your content.


In conclusion, page count should not be the main determinant of success or value when writing a book. Instead, the focus should be on genre, purpose, and audience when determining the appropriate page count. By creating a well-defined outline, authors can get a sense of how many words they need to effectively convey their message. Remember, the most important factor in writing a successful book is to create quality content that resonates with your audience.

Let’s talk further. I am Dr. Michael A. Wright and I can help you tell your story and illucidate your process: HERE.