Purposing Content as an Expression of Expertise for Distribution

MAWMedia Group, LLC, led by Dr. Michael A. Wright, Ph.D., is renowned for its expertise in content development, marketing, and distribution. The company understands that effective content distribution requires careful packaging and presentation to showcase the expertise of its clients. The process of content development at MAWMedia Group follows a structured approach, starting from an […]

9. Market Your Book or Online Course

Service Description Case Overview Case Study Develop and implement effective marketing strategies for promoting your book or online course, increasing its visibility and reach. To achieve success in the world of publishing or online courses, quality content is just the first of many steps. It’s equally crucial to focus on robust marketing strategies that not […]

6. Build a Business from Your Passion

Service Description Case Overview Case Study Transform your passion into a profitable business, receiving guidance on creating a solid foundation and setting yourself up for success. For many, the idea of merging their passion and profession remains just a dream. However, transforming what you love into a fruitful business venture is a possibility with the […]

The Problem with Anti-Racist Titling: Embracing Complexity and Moving Beyond Race as a Sole Indicator

The issue with anti-racist titling lies in the underlying assumption that race is a clear-cut, defining attribute when, in reality, it is not. While race has played a significant role in shaping societal hierarchies and dynamics throughout history, using race as a singular marker for categorizing individuals falls short of capturing the true complexity of […]

The MAWMedia Difference

Welcome to MAWMedia Group, LLC, a professional services firm where our motto is “As You Succeed, We Succeed!” I understand that everyone needs money to thrive and achieve their goals, which is why I am committed to helping my clients create sustainable revenue streams. One of the most effective ways to do this is through […]

COACHCEO Leadership Training

Introducing COACHCEO – the ultimate leadership training program based on the COACH Method, an intervention at multiple systems levels that helps individuals, institutions, and communities to thrive. With COACHCEO, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to become a highly effective leader. The program is designed to help you identify and leverage your individual social […]

A Research Agenda: Trauma-Informed

Learner Profiles Learning and Self-Development together form the construct of wisdom. We want learners to apply wisdom in their decision-making with an autonomous, creative, and authentic sense of self. We want learners to demonstrate excellence by optimizing their intelligence, exploring novel approaches, and exemplifying originality. We achieve these goals the same way we address every […]

A Teaching Philosophy with CBE

CBE  Competency-based education programs have the potential to decrease both the completion time and cost of degrees, whilst providing proficiency-level instruction. Because students are able to study at their own pace, with content tailored based on their progression, Competency-Based Education creates a customized learning experience, with multiple pathways to study depending on a student’s needs. […]